Welcome to Hills Christian Church!

A Note From Our Lead Pastor

I couldn’t be more excited to welcome you to Hills Christian Church. We value those who are seeking connection, understanding, and a deeper faith. At Hills, you will find a family bound by love, faith, and a commitment to extending God’s grace to all. We invite you to come see, and find a place where you truly belong.

A little about us.

Hills Christian Church is a place where God meets people where they are. That means you belong here no matter where you are on your spiritual journey.

Come as you are…

You don’t have to dress up or be any particular age. We don’t care who you voted for in the last election. And please don’t feel the need to pretend about anything. Hills Christian Church is a place where God meets people where they are, and we are all far from perfect. That means you belong here no matter where you are on your spiritual journey.

…but don’t stay that way.

We encourage you to meet some people. Get involved and go deeper. Little steps you take toward God build on one another and lead to extraordinary results.

At Hills Christian Church we set Sunday aside as a time for the Jesus family to gather to worship, to build relationships, to be equipped to live the life Jesus intends for us, and to not just attend a service but to BE the Church. Our worship is an acoustically-styled set of more modern worship songs, with some hymns mixed in. Our messages tend to be more along the lines of a teaching and range from studies of books of the Bible to current events to topics that are important in our lives. We also hold a weekly communion time for us to remember Jesus’ sacrifice and respond in gratefulness. This is open to all believers. Our atmosphere is very casual and we like to think that our time together is more of a family “get-together” than a formal “service.” So dress casual, grab a warm beverage on your way in, and come join us!

If you are new to HCC we would love to invite your Nursery-5th Grade kids to be part of CORE Kids during the service. Our check-in station is in our lobby.

Service Times & Location

  • Sunday Services are at 10:00am at Liberty Tree Academy.

  • 8579 Eastonville Rd, Peyton, CO 80831

CORE Christian Community


A community of Christians who do many things, not just a Sunday service. The idea is to challenge you to some very specific areas to help you grow in your life as a Christian. We believe if you commit to the four parts of the CORE you will find yourself growing in your relationship with God and better equipped to engage the world around you.

Who You’ll See at Hills Christian Church

David Hough
David HoughLead Pastor
Monica Livingston
Monica LivingstonRelationships & Care
Alyssa Duncan
Alyssa DuncanWorship Ministry
Fox Zimmerman
Fox ZimmermanNextGen Ministry
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Service Time

  • Sunday Mornings at 10:00am

Office Location

  • 7495 McLaughlin Road, Peyton, CO 80831